Is there a quick way to see my top-performing coupons?
- Yes, we got this covered! From our dashboard, Go to “Coupons Ranking,” and from there you can rank your coupons from the top-performing to the less-performing ones according to different metrics such as revenues, sales amount, and conversions.
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Is there a way to check the top-performing campaigns in Boostiny?
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Is there a quick way to check my campaigns?
Yes, select “My Campaigns” from the dashboard to see your campaigns and sort them by conversions, sales amount in USD, and revenue, from highest to lowest and vice versa.
I want to see a detailed performance report for my campaigns/coupons, what should I do?
Go to " Reports", Select the metrics or dimensions you would like to check. This feature is just amazing! You have a lot of search metrics and dimensions that you can choose from, whether it is “Country, Campaign, Coupon Name, AOV, etc.
Where can I see the new announcements or insights that are shared by the Boostiny team?
From your dashboard, go to the “Announcements” section and there you will be able to see any promotions or insights that are shared by us.
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